The climbing guides of Falesia del Sentiero degli Dei (Path of the Gods), Falesia di Monte Faito and Punta Campanella, in the Amalfi Coast, have been just published by ClimbAdvisor.

Ar. Francesco Galasso
The guides of Falesia del Sentiero degli Dei (Path of the Gods), Falesia di Monte Faito and Punta Campanella, writte by me, have just been published by ClimbAdvisor.
All these three crags, as is often the case in Amalfi Coast, have a wonderful view and walls of very good limestone.
The Falesia del Sentiero degli Dei (Path of the Gods) is a magnificent climbing spot, with almost 40 routes of all difficulties, and for all tastes: slabs, overhangs, tufas, stalactites...
It's composed of 4 areas. Three of these areas are contiguous and mainly South faced. The fourth is a fantastic cave, always in shadow, and sheltered by the rain. The grade of the routes varies from 6b to 8a and more.
The routes have been set between 2017 and 2018, mainly by me. Some little jewels have been set by my good friend Cristiano Bacci, with which I've set other areas in Positano and Punta Campanella. The rock is excellent limestone, and the routes have been equipped with certified stainless steel 316L.
The approach certainly cannot be said short, but it's comfortable and panoramic, and without steep hills (except for the cave).
All the areas, except the Cave, are good for families with children.

Ar. Francesco Galasso
The Falesia di Monte Faito has been also established between 2017 and 2018.
It's at a quite high altitude: more than 800m above the sea level.
It's composed of two contiguous areas, with complementary facing: when the first is sunny, the second is in shadow, and vice.versa. Thus you can climb there in all seasons, even in summer, if it's windy and not much muggy.
The routes are all very technical. The ones on the big overhangs are even athletic.
Even if there are some easy and nice lines, the routes are mainly of medium/high and high difficulties.
The approach is quite short, and always comfortable; Falesia di Monte Faito it's good for families with children.

Carmela Malomo
Punta Campanella is a historical crag: in its cracks you can see some old pitons (dating back to Eighties).
It's the climbing spot with the largest presence of easy routes of the Amalfi Coast.
The cliff is a vertical wall of excellent gray limestone, in some stretches slightly overhanging.
It's located in a protected marine area, and, even if the percentage of routes of medium/high difficulty is quite low, it worths a visit for the beauty and the uniqueness of the environment.
The cliff is precipitous, so it's not good for families with children.
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