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Pale - 'Cchiù pilu pe' tutti

Pale: Lucia Papa on 'Cchiù pilu pe' tutti (5c+), one of the few athletic lines of the Uccellessa area.

The first 10 meters are in common with G.A.S.F. I (and quite easy). Then the G.A.S.F. follows the corner on the left (easier), while  'Cchiù pilu follows the slightly overhanging cracked corner on the left.

The second part of the route is both technical and athletic. Very nice and of great satisfaction. Good for warming up, for those who want to try the lines of medium/high difficulty.

Pale - 'Cchiù pilu pe' tutti
Pale: Lucia Papa su 'Cchiù pilu pe' tutti (5c+)
Carmela Malomo

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