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Pale: a shield of rock came down

A couple of days ago (probably yesterday), a rock shield came down in the crag of Pale.

The shield was located in the medium-high part of the routesSquilibri, Il Normanno, and Dov'è Dante, in the leftmost part of the Uccellessa area. Unfortunately, there is still a big chunk of rock on the edge of a ledge, (look at the circled particular in the pic).

Therefore, I beg you all to stay away from this part of the Uccellessa area (fortunately quite isolated and clearly separated from the rest of the wall). In fact, this portion needs a big displacement work, and at now even only walking there it's dangerous!


Crollato uno scudo di roccia a Pale
La porzione di parete interessata dal crollo, prima e dopo
Sergio Brun

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