First crag of sport climbing in Umbria, Pale sees the light in 1980 by some Foligno climbers, between them Sergio Brun, author of the subsequent cliff revival and development, and Americo Innocenzi. \nThe routes, formerly bolted with pitons, has recently been re-bolted with new materials and steel. \nthe cliff is divided into several areas and it is exposed mainly to the South. For this reason in summer days climbing is possible only during the coolest hours of the morning, or after the 17.00 in a few small areas on the top of the cliff. \nIn winter the climate is pleasant, but you must avoid the days with moderate or strong winds from the East or North-East. The mid seasons are a perfect time. The climbing is mostly on slabs, on limestone with a good friction climbing, and requires technical moves and endurance. In some areas there are routes with water erosion pockets, sometimes sharp. the average route length is 20 meters. Only few overhangs. Instead, there is no shortage of hard fingery routes. The crag is suitable for families, however remembering that it is located in a historical context, naturalistiv valuable and it deserves the utmost respect. It is located along the valley of Menotre, just a few Km from Foligno, surrounded by olive groves and ancient oaks. Waking from the Hermitage of St. Maria Giacobbe, of fourteenth Century, with its frescoes of the fifteenth century. From the higher areas the view extends to the underlying country Belfiore and the city of Foligno, a crossroads of commerce since Roman times. You can also see the Menotre Valley and the Altolina waterfalls that, with their constant flow, allowed through the centuries the development of an exceptional activity of factories and paper mills, so much so that the first printing of the Dante‘s Divina Commedia of Numeister has been done right in Foligno on April 11 1472.
FROM PERUGIA: Take the SS 75 up to FOLIGNO, and continue taking the SS3 Flaminia. Exit to MACERATA, and go straight following the signs to Pale (ignore the signs to Macerata!). Continue for about 10 km, up to the fork to Pale, on the left. Turn left and curve around an old paper mill. Then turn right toward the ancient wall of the Pale town, and park under such wall or in Piazza del Castello square,up ahead. FROM MACERATA: Take the new SS77 (the variant of the old SS77) and exit at Colfiorito. Cross Colfiorito and take the old SS77 toward Foligno. Continue for about 13-14 Km, then follow the sign to Pale and turn right. Then turn left and curve around an old paper mill. Then turn right toward the ancient wall of the Pale town, and park under such wall or in Piazza del Castello square, up ahead. FROM FANO: Take the SS3 Flaminia road up to Foligno. Exit at MACERATA, and continue straight following the signs to Pale ((ignore the signs to Macerata!). Continue for about 10 km, up to the fork to Pale, on the left. Turn left and curve around an old paper mill. Then turn right toward the ancient wall of the Pale town, and park under such wall or in Piazza del Castello square, up ahead. FROM ROMA: Take the A1 highway toward FIRENZE and exit at ORTE; turn left and take the SS 675 direction TERNI. Once at Terno, continue on the SS 3 road up to Foligno FOLIGNO. Exit at MACERATA, and continue straight following the signs to Pale ((ignore the signs to Macerata!). Continue for about 10 km, up to the fork to Pale, on the left. Turn left and curve around an old paper mill. Then turn right toward the ancient wall of the Pale town, and park under such wall or in Piazza del Castello square, up ahead.