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Something about Venere in Pescina

Venere in Pescina

Venere in Pescina | Fucino Area

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Venere in Pescina

The climbing spot Venere Dei Marsi is a field school for multipitches training. It has been established at the disposal of both military units and mountain lovers. It’s located on the rock wall "Costa Delle Cerase”, between the town of Venere Pescina, the Medieval Tower and the Hermitage  Our Lady of Good Counsel (Madonna Del Buon Consiglio).

It offers three multipitches routes of low/medium level, all sport equipped and good for beginners, with certified anchors, and  named after the three active military instructors who made them:

1 )the master Chief Giovanni Parisse

2) the master Corporal  Fabrizio Fracassi

3) the master Corporal Fabrizio Anselmi


On the establishment of the spot, have also been working with effective committment

CMCS Bellotta Gaudio

CMCS Delle spine Settimio

CMCS Iulianella Berardino

CMS Marchione Giulio


Beside, the spot is named after the 9th Alpini Regiment of l'Aquila, in memory of those who served with the unit in war and in peace.

Fabrizio Fracassi shall make publicly available the topo, as a spoke person.



Take the highway E80/A25 to Chieti/Pescara and exit at Pescina. Then follow the signs to Pescina, taking the SP17 road. After few Km you find the town. Continue toward Venere and Gioia dei Marsi, taking the SS83 road.

Leave the center of Venere in Pescina, and follow the main road SS83 Marsicana toward Gioia dei Marsi. Just got out of the inhabited, turn right at the second small road, toward a private residence, and pro you vehicle on the road side. Please be careful and avoid obstructing the passage of the other vehicles.