Something about Stefano Milani

Stefano Milani

Stefano Milani (named Stefanuk) born on 23 March 1970 in Latina, and actually lives in Rome.
Passionate about mountains since 1981,  since1992 he has been involved in sport climbing,  and since 1983  in new sporting routes bolting, mainly in Lepini Mounts area.

Stefano Milani
Gran Sasso - Magic Line

Passionate about summer and winter mountaineering too, he climbed many peaks in the Alps and in Appennino Centrale. In 2005 he ascended Acongagua.

Stefano Milani
Bassiano - Scoglio dell'Araguna
On Balle Spaziali

He is the coauthor of three climbing guides ("Idoli di Pietra", 1994; "Noveccippiù" 2001; "In che Senso..." 2014) and author of a trekking guide (Monti Lepini, 2005).